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Solid-state Battery
Future Tech, Today
Introducing solid state battery Safer, Stronger
Using solid materials for electrolyte , we combine high energy density with high safety standards, unlike traditional Lithium batteries.

Provide customers with:
★ Solid state batteries suitable for various scenarios;
★ Dense solid electrolyte sheet with fireproof and waterproof feature;
★ Solid electrolyte powder with high ionic conductivity;
Solution to more eco-friendly vehicles

In today’s EV industry, traditional lithium batteries lack safety and energy density. During the past 10 years, our team at Zhejiang Ganfeng aimed to solve this problem by developing a highly effective battery with guaranteed safety. We help transform the global car industry, our brand reputation, and the battery industry through pioneering the solid state battery field.

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Energy Density:
240Wh/kg ~420Wh/kg
Battery cycle life:
Safety performance:
Better than traditional NCM battery
Production capacity plan:
2GWh (mid-2022)
Focus on both energy density and safety

Area of Application
Consumer Batteries
Endless Power
Smart Technology
Secure Storage
Ganfeng LiEnergy technology Co., Ltd.

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